I + I = III or I

"... We are fast approaching the time of reasoned and conscious composition, when the painter will be proud to declare his work constructive. This will be in contrast to the claim of the Impressionists that they could explain nothing, that their art came upon them by inspiration. We have before us the age of conscious creation, and this new spirit in painting is going hand in hand with the spirit of thought towards an epoch of great spiritual leaders."
Wassily Kandinsky "Concerning The Spiritual In Art" (1910)

How real is the virtual world, and what could be one criterion of that reality? Is getting back to “before” possible or is virtual reality the essential next step in evolution, like a mirror, a screen which shows the reflection of reality; a transfer of consciousness from the physical into the digital? Combining six self-contained paintings, I am telling the story of interaction, where two waves of impulses display the reality and the virtual world as a reflection.

Impulse I. Impulse of Loneliness. Immersion deep inside. If "I" exists, who is a witness?
Did not come. Absence in the physical world is perceived as lack of something. The emptiness we observe or strive to fill.
I am here. The virtual world itself is the emptiness — the body of information, which requires the engagement of the observer. The presence of one implies the presence of many. Being alone makes no sense here.

Impulse II. Impulse of Duality, of Exteriority. Having “me” separated from “not me” we are starting to play the game — finding ourselves through another. Artificial games and games as art.
Society of Anonymous. A game for self-improvement or shadow boxing. Alan Watts writes: "Now, in this quest (can I improve me?) there is the obvious difficulty that if I am in need of improvement, the person who is going to do the improving is the one who needs to be improved! And there, immediately, we have a vicious circle."
Opposition. The atmosphere of lacking physical threat turns shadow boxing into a fight of shadows. Something that cannot be freely expressed in reality, turns into a game. The question is to what extent feelings are virtual. While working on the series, I observed inwardly how one concept generated another, argued with it or completed it — exactly the way the virtual behaves with the real.

Through combining meanings, we multiply the volume of information. This leads to new quests and new quality of perception. However, the main question remains beyond the visible: Do the new meanings bring us closer to the truth? Or is this the only reality, even if illusory, given to us in sensations and requiring no description?

The exhibition catalogue

  • Year : 2017
  • Location : Palazzo Bembo | Venice, Italy